「在天桥上的Top Model(顶尖模特儿)与『模』实属两码子的事,『模』绝对不能取代Fashion Model(时装模特儿)的地位,皆因为国际时装品牌行天桥的模特儿,身高必须要有178公分或以上,试问身高只有160公分的『模』又怎能穿着她们尺码的衣...
H-1B申请者必须提供文件证明其职位属于专业行业 (SPECIALTY OCCUPATION) 或符合一定条件的时装模特(FASHION MODEL).根据法律规定,专门行业(SPECIALTY OCCUPATION)是指一个行业需从业人员在工作中运用高度专业化的理论和实用方面的知识.
...标号;服装模特 [gap=894]ion; eye location; image segmentation; edge detection; scanning labeling method; fashion model ...
Fashion Model Collection 例如名模系列
Fashion Model Directory 于模特儿目录 ; 于模特目录
Child fashion model 时装模特儿
Fashion Model Barbie 即名模芭比
fashion model i guess 我猜的时装模特 ; 我猜时装模特 ; 时装模我猜
Fashion Model Training 时装模特专业
Jiangsu Linshow Fashion Model Agency 尚推广机构
Fashion model performance 时装模特表演小游戏
Design a Fashion Model Poster 设计一个时装模型海报
To be a successful fashion model, a guy needs to be more than just a looker. He has to have confidence, poise and a sense of style.
Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a government-defined index of body mass could result in a 85000 fine and six months in prison.
Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a government-defined index of body mass could result in a $85,000 fine and six months in prison.
Without those other things running around we would have a good sort of model of homophonic texture, sort of block chords changing in that fashion.